Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's the story?

So, I started reading this book today, and this flight stub fell out. (I bought this book at Goodwill a million years ago, and never got around to reading it.)

Much like stumbling across messages written in "gently read" books or reading Post Secret every Sunday, I loved finding something like this. :)

Delta: "Why dream about a weekend getaway when it can be a reality?"

I imagined what one George Miller did on his trip: Was it for business? Personal? Did he come "home," bearing his father, like Drew (Orlando Bloom) in Elizabethtown? Was he going to his daughter's wedding? To visit a friend? To see his mother? Who accompanied him? His wife? His children? An acquaintance? His mistress? His more than one sense? Is he Mormon? Protestant or Catholic? Or does ole' George check the box next to the church in which he was brought up, but now only attends on serious holidays, at christenings, for funerals and weddings alone, like a modern British man? Does he speak with a Texan drawl? Did Mr. Miller have a Coca-Cola Classic on the flight?

Most importantly...did he have window seat?