Thursday, May 27, 2010

AG Kirsten...and as many versions of strawberry shortcake as there are Americans

[photo courtesy]

Today I went over to Momo's for lunch and had strawberries and angel food cake (topped with a dollop of Cool Whip!) for dessert.

It makes me think of American Girl Kirsten Larson, who celebrated her birthday along the same lines, and is the doll I always associate with deep dark winters and sunny summer days. She was a farm child, after all.
(I just HAD to find a picture of the doll with the birthday party set, and it would have been nice to find one with Kirsten's kittens because Momo has a cat. I was lucky to stumble across a website that features Pleasant Company's old newsletters, so this photo made a perfect recapitulation of everything I'm discussing in this post.)

[photo courtesy]

I love strawberries on cake. We used to buy those sponge cake rounds and cut up the strawberries, adding a little sugar so that they became syrupy and pouring them over the cakes. YUMMY!(I've decided I like Cool Whip on desserts, including Jell-O, and Reddi Whip on ice cream and hot beverages, like cocoa.)

Strawberries are some of my favorite fruits, along with peaches and melons. (I really can't pick ONE favorite!) I think these are my favorites because there is nothing like fresh fruit in the summer, all sun-ripened and lush. I remember picking berries and peaches when I was little and LOVED it. There is nothing like a sweet strawberry or a plump and juicy peach...and nothing beats a Hope watermelon, I've heard. :)