Sunday, May 16, 2010

WATCH IT!: Animal Crossing

Zach's been xboxing a lot lately, and, as that's not really my style, I picked up the Wii in the bedroom and revisited Animal Crossing. (Oh, yeah. :)

I forgot how addicting this game can be. Once I get started, I have to catch EVERY fish, pick EVERY peach, find EVERY fossil, and, as of today, net EVERY bug. Not that I do anything with the money I make selling these items at Tom Nook's; I just like to see how much I can make at once. *lol*

This is "me" in "my house." As you can see, I don't have a lot of stuff. I chose to decorate using only blue furniture, and some of my conversation pieces include a hammock and a bird bath inside, and, recently, a stove. :)

Stupid Jay the Jock claimed to have lost his key in the river. I fished for hours and hours AND hours...and still, NO key. I wrote him a strongly-worded letter in which I addressed him as both an idiot and a moron.

I'll look for the key again tomorrow...