Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Day 2010 = 25th Birthday

Zach and I started my birthday off at the Farmer's Market with Anne and her boyfriend Jordan. We had never been and were very excited to see how large it is! We got some lettuce for a salad and some tomatoes, onion, and pepper to put in our spaghetti this week. Zach wanted to buy some strawberries, but another shipment wasn't going to arrive for awhile and we knew we could get the same price at Whole Foods, so we skipped on them.

Then Monica joined us at Rivermarket Books and Gifts. I got a 1947 copy of Little Women! It is beautiful. :) I've been trying to collect copies of it, even though I hate to admit that I don't like the novel nearly as much as the films. But I've been really bad about getting copies, so I could NOT pass on this one.

with my 1947 copy of Little Women

Monica and her book pouch of Divine Secrets

Finally, we meandered down the street to the Saucer where I enjoyed a nice plate of cheese fries and my birthday beer (my new favorite Spaten Optimator Dopplebock). They had part of the front blocked off for the party, so we settled in some couches in the back. It didn't quite make for the best conversation, but I still think we had a nice time.

English girls reunited!!

Anne & Jordan-they're adorable!

Zach and I came home for a nap before dinner at Mike's Place. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture because we were running late and the weather was BAD. As we were walking (or rather, RUNNING) up to the restaurant, the tornado sirens were going off. All of the Toad Suckers were just standing there, gawking at the sky, although some were blocking the entrances to the restaurants along the street. At Mike's Place, a group of very unsophisticated people were smoking IN THE DOOR with their dogs. How nice. We were seated in the back, but they actually moved some of the people dining up front by the windows.

Leisl turned out to be our server, and she was awesome (as always)! We had to have some coconut shrimp, and for dinner we had raspberry chicken with broccoli and okra. I had a mojito, of course! Zach wasn't feeling too great, so he only ate three shrimp. I told him he was going to turn into one. :) And Leisl sent some turtle cheesecake home with us.

A perfect birthday night!