Tuesday, April 27, 2010

send me a postcard, drop me a line

April 26, 2010
I just had to tell my dear sweet Pearl (a.k.a. Monica) thanks for her well wishes! I love cards, and I am so sentimental. I keep every one I get, and everyone she gives is a treasure.

Here is a picture of the Good Luck card she gave Zach and I at the beginning of the month for his thesis defense and my comprehensive exams . . . and this is the Congratulations card she sent me for passing comps and my thesis defense. Notes like this are rare, and make me especially happy.

Monica, thank you for always being so supportive and encouraging and knowing that your friends can reach their dreams and achieve success despite the odds. I hope you know that I believe in you, too. Always. I love you and admire you so much.

[Between Monica and her pal Stacy and me, we could start what my aunt Lura calls a card ministry!! That would be awesome. ;]