Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cadbury Caramel Eggs = Heaven

April 20, 2010
[photo courtesy]

I love these. :)
Not only did my husband give me EIGHT in my Easter basket, but he also got SEVEN on clearance the day after Easter. I am so happy.

But he's a little disgusted by how I eat them.
He calls me Germy.

I like to unwrap them carefully to expose the tip-top of the egg, using the foil as a kind of napkin to keep my hands clean. Then I carefully nibble the chocolate so that it doesn't break in half. Once there is a nice hole, I use my pointer finger to scoop out the caramel, a la Winnie the Pooh and his honey. : ) I used to try to vacuum the caramel out, but I would end up with it all over my face. Finally I eat the chocolate egg shell.

I just love the's my favorite part: so thick and so sweet. I wish I could just buy a tub of Cadbury Caramel and eat it. I do enjoy Cadbury chocolate A LOT, but the caramel is my favorite (just as the honeycomb in a Crunchie is my favorite in that candy bar). I finished off a 1/2 gallon of Edy's Caramel Delight ice cream in about 3 days because I loved the caramel so much. Yummy.