Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy 6th Anniversary to My Best Friend and First Husband!

Six years ago, this is what Tasha and I were doing: helping Stephanie O'Kelley get ready to become Mrs. Rocky Cole.

That is, we WERE helping until we were sent to visit Rocky and the groomsmen and ended up chatting to them for a long time...until Steph sent Momma Sue to get us back. (We had good reasons for staying...the boys thought they lost the ring.) ;)

There are so many good memories of that weekend, but I think my favorite was standing on stage and looking at everyone bawling their eyes out, myself included, because we were so happy for you guys. :)

Stephanie and Rocky, you have both been wonderful friends over the years, and being together has only made you better. Never would I have imagined my best friend growing up would marry the little boy with whom I used to play wedding. I think things definitely worked out for the best when I decided to pack up all my crap and move away from him...and closer to her! *hahaha* May you have many more years of happiness. Happy Sixth Anniversary!!

(Hey, in Hollywood time, you've been married 30 years at least. Bring out the pearls!)