Friday, April 30, 2010

Cake Balls = Heaven

And how do you make heaven, you ask?

Well, firstly, you pick a cake mix, and you bake it according to the directions.
Then you crumble it up. I used our chopper to get it very fine.

Next, you mix in frosting--your choice. At some point, you may have to use your hands. ; )

Stick the "dough"..."batter"...cake ball glob into the freezer for 30-40 minutes.
Using your hands or a melon baller/cookie scoop, form the glob into balls.
Return the balls to the freezer for several hours. (I went for 3ish.)

[Those are not my White Castle Burgers. Seriously. They're my husband's. I will claim the pie!]
Melt some kind of coating (chocolate, almond bark, etc.) and let your cake go swimming!

Through a highly scientific experiment, I found the best way to coat them was to stick a toothpick in, and dip and swirl them in the coating, using a spoon to coat the parts that didn't get covered. Then I used another toothpick to scrape off any excess and placed them on a wax-papered cookie sheet. (You can also roll them in sprinkles, colored sugar, nuts, etc.)
Finally, stick these little pieces of heaven into the fridge for 30+ minutes until the coating is hardened. (I twirled the toothpicks out.)
EAT. :)
These are so good, and the homemade peanut butter frosting I used gives them a fudge taste. It's a like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cake. This is how I like cake...not so cake-y. ;)

[Monica, one or more of these will have your name on it/them!]

And here is the delicious Peanut Butter Frosting I used:

2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup milk
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup peanut butter (smooth or crunchy)
1 teaspoon vanilla

Heat butter, milk and sugar to a boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes. Add peanut butter and vanilla and stir until smooth.