Sunday, June 13, 2010

Margarita Mamas

June 10, 2010After spending the afternoon in Carlisle, we headed to LR to meet up with two of my best friends from high school, Tasha and Yousra while Zach met up with Dan at the Saucer. (That would get him in trouble later.)

When Tasha was pregnant with Briley, she craved margaritas, and, while the rest of us enjoyed free margaritas in Jamaica and Grand Cayman, she was left out because they were premixed. :( So I promised her that I would buy her a margarita when she finally had Briley.

Here we are one Drake and almost three years later, and we finally had that margarita night at On the Border. Since I broke up with Jose Cuervo a long, long, LONG time ago, I settled on a mojito. Of course, I didn't realize that it was a Mexican mojito--that is, it had tequila, instead of rum. No me gusta. :(

So I handed that over to Tashie and enjoyed a Dos Equis Amber instead. :) We enjoyed catching up and girl talk and some Mexican food!

Then we decided to head over to Khalil's because Yousra is the daddy's daughter. *hahaha* Khalil's is FANTASTIC! It is very chill with nice lighting and furniture, lots of beer (over 80 different bottled beers, I believe) and yummy food. After Dan left, I went and picked up Zach so he could see for himself.

I can't wait to go back. (And you should go, too! :)

Thank you, ladies for a lovely night! We should definitely do it more often. :) Twink, we are going to the Saucer for some cheese fries! And Tashie, we love our gifts! Love y'all!

Here are some pictures of our night:

My Twink and My Tashie

Yousra had wanted to do a serious photo the picture before. Lord, I hope this is not the face I gave my professors... And I guess Tasha had a boogie?

This basically summarizes our friendship.

magic hands


When we finally decided we were done taking silly photos, Tasha declared that she was glad because she was sitting on the bar and it hurt her bum!
Zach got in trouble with our crazy waitress Diane for having been at the Saucer instead. When he asked for water, she brought him this paper cup!
Sometimes my shutter doesn't open, but the pictures still turn out a-okay.

Tasha decided to try on the costumes from Khalil's float in the St. Patrick's Day parade. Thankfully we got her to stop after one, or we would have been there until four in the morning!