Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Flushed Away

[photo courtesy]

Last night Zach and I FINALLY watched this. (We Netflixed it weeks ago...)

It was so funny and precious! Zach says it has the cutest singing slugs you will ever see. (Side note: Zach and I were discussing slugs, and he said that they were the same thing as snails. I didn't think so. He said they were like hermit crabs and found their shells. This seemed so plausible, I agreed that he was probably right then. WRONG. I googled it today, and I was thinking right--the snails secrete their shells over time, which is why they grow in a spiral from the inside out. ;)

I loved Flushed Away...but it made me miss England terribly.

The DVD came in handy this morning when I was babysitting Sayer, and the VCR wouldn't work. (There aren't many kid DVDs lying around here since the kids a.k.a. Erin and Zach grew up before the DVD-age.) So I popped this in, and the "little person," as my awkward husband calls him, sat riveted. I guess it does pay to be a "big kid," as Beverly said about Zach. Sayer's such a sweet, smart, and funny kid and minds so well--no trouble at all!

I had much more trouble corralling the animals. *lol*

Tonight Terry came over for swimming and supper and brought the most delicious and creamy and fluffy coconut meringue pies I've ever had. His mom made them from scratch. :) I really should have taken a picture of them. He left them for us to enjoy! HUZZAH!

Adriane and Brenna, we missed you guys tonight, but we hope to see you soon!!