Sunday, June 20, 2010

Presenting the Cooke's!

June 19, 2010 (The 19th is a sweet date!)
Yesterday we attended Zach's cousin Lindsey's wedding, where she became the bride of Sam Cooke at the Albert Pike Residence Hotel in Little Rock. :)

It was a lovely wedding.
I just loved Lindsey's dress and hair.
I really liked how the seats were arranged around the bride and groom and the four columns with the tulle-and-light arrangement overhead. I took lots of pictures of that!

Waiting to begin: family had to be there early for pictures. :)the balcony from which the bridal began begin the processional

The music was fun and personal--I mean, how can you not love a wedding with The Beatles?! It was especially sweet to see her sister Ashley, her matron of honor cry, while her husband Josh married them.
(I didn't get any photos of the ceremony because the flash would have spoiled the moment.)

Luckily my favorite sister-in-law borrowed my camera to get a picture with her cousin. I took pictures of Sam and Lindsey dancing, but you can't see them very well, so I decided to use this sweet picture on facebook. :)

first dance

It was also so great to finally meet Zach's cousins Ashley, Alexis, and Camille and their significant others and getting to spend more time with his extended family. They are all so sweet! I also was so happy to meet his dad's cousin, Linda Adams. (Zach said I was beaming when I met her, telling her how she taught me to cook. *lol*)

All in all, it was a great day! We've been married NINE months exactly!

Our best wishes and congrats to the happy couple, the Cooke's!

Here are some more pictures:
cousin Alexis cutting the bridal cake

so rich

father-daughter dance

Erin and Sayer boogies.

This groomsmen stole the show dancing to "Beat It!"

garter toss (Lindsey threw her bouquet from the balcony, so I didn't get any pictures.)

farewell with sparklers

wedding dress+fire=not safe=Run!=Ashley gets no pictures of the bride and groom= :(

They rode away in this carriage-sooo sweet!