Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm a sexy knitter

August 18, 2010's not much (yet?), but look what I'm knitting!
It's a funky (i.e. not perfect) skinny color-block scarf in navy blue, grey, and teal. I bought this knitting kit (and this yarn) in December 2008 with great plans to learn to knit over Christmas Break. *haha*

I've tried several times (including during this summer whilst being unemployed and out of school) to pick it back up and try with all my might to get past purling. I. just. can't.

(Hopefully Judy Tucker or someone else or videos on the Internet can help my poor, pitiful, non-purling soul.)

I have to feel like I am learning something, so I just decided to jump in feet first and knit SOMETHING other than a random practice piece. I can do an okay knit-stitch, so I just started making a neat little square. (You can see my grey square is somewhat better than the navy one because practice makes [more] perfect.)

I knitted a navy square, but I didn't start the next color correctly and had to unravel it all. I finally got the navy and grey done, but the fuzzy teal (to give it some texture) did not cooperate very well, and, when I was almost done with that square, I had to unravel it. BUT I am starting to have something to show for my hard work. :)