Thursday, August 5, 2010

Date Night at the Malco

August 5, 2010

Zach and I caught the last of the Malco's summer movies tonight with the documentary Forgetting Dad and the horror Night of the Living Dead.

Here he is creeping at the window. *lol*
Remember that time Dr. Sommers suggested you eat my brains and wear my scalp as a skull cap? *nom nom nom*

Anyhoo, we started out our date night at the Dixie Cafe. I had never had the fried corn-on-the-cob, but it was delicioso! We brought back enough chicken to feed a small army (or us for another meal).

Forgetting Dad was about a son detailing his father's amnesia and disconnection from his extended family. It was really interesting, and I felt it was structured to mirror the way one with amnesia would feel: we kept getting new layer after layer of this father, and no two of the children had the same perspective on what happened. Of course, I imagine this happens with any normal dad, but all the same, I think the documentary's style emphasized how disparate each of them were from their father and reality.

And Night of the Living Dead? I kept hoping Ben would make it, and Barbra is a scream! (Meaning I was to shake her and scream or shake her until I scream...) I'm always glad that the young couple burn up before getting eaten. (But do they really have to show the zombies chomping away?!) I can't help but laugh at the news reporters and vigilante ghoul-hunters. The zombie daughter is terrifying in the movie poster in the Malco lobby, and we were told at the beginning of the show that anytime Living Dead plays, it stirs up the ghosts in the theatre. Fun times to be had all around!