Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Friend Anne with an E

August 19, 2010

Tonight Anne and I finally got together for an overdue coffee date at Java Primo. (I wanna go back for some gelato, prettypleasewithacherryontop. ;)

Anne was one of the first friends I made at UCA a million years ago when we had British Lit I and American Lit I together, and I missed two days of classes and messaged her on here-back when facebook was about being in college and showed your classes and who was in them. I also messaged Monica that day to find out our assignments. (I believe I also messaged Aaron, too, but I don't think he has ever been a reliable source for assignments.)

We're all old now.
We're grown-ups now.
Scratch that. We're adults now.
(Adults is a much more "grown-up" word. ;)

This picture was taken at Danielle and Charles' wedding, just a little less than a million years ago. I am so glad I got to see my Queen Anne (with an E) and catch up. She's so sweet, and I am so glad that we have stayed in touch. The only thing that would have made it more perfect would have been to have Monica there while we dined on Chik-Fil-A and then went for coffee (at Java City--that's what we did on breaks between classes). Nope. I do NOT miss the student center. But I do miss my English friends!!

It's pretty funny that Anne and I became friends and that I married Zach considering they knew each other working at the movie theatre in Hot Springs and actually went on a few dates. ;)

[our ELEVENTH month wedding anniversary AND the anniversary of the day we got our wedding license]