Saturday, August 28, 2010

Road to Avonlea

August 27, 2010

I still get such a thrill watching this show!
It was my favorite when I was a little girl, and I would cry if I missed an episode. ; )
(The sorrows and heartbreaks of children are very dear to them and should be taken seriously, thankyouverymuch.)
I waited and waited for the first disc to come in from Netflix as it took us two days to finish Key Largo and two days for it to get here to find that it only has one episode. *boo hiss*
As of right now, I'm on my third time viewing that one episode. : )

Zach's commentary adds another layer to my viewing pleasure:
"...and I'm a Canadian boy."
*while watching a field or something along those lines* "Ca-na-di-a! Ca-na-di-a!"
"Look at her Canadian hat..."