Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Could-Be Tunie reviews The Town

[photo courtesy]

September 29, 2010

Affleck-Damon movies about Boston make me never want to go there. Ya know what I mean?
But Ben is sure talented; he wears so many hats well. :)

This movie was amazing. How can I tell I was mesmerized? For one, I didn't touch my popcorn and Coke after the movie started. And B) I stuffed my face with Haribo Happy Cola and put off going to the loo AFTER we stopped for free hot chocolate at McDonald's and a wreck occurred right as I stepped out of the car in the drive-thru. I felt like I was in a State Farm commercial.

I'm still not quite sure where I would place my compassion and sympathy. I kinda wanted them to get it--I couldn't believe how Claire was betrayed--I mean that was a one-of-a-kind betrayal...and what about how Blake Lively's character was treated? Sheesh. (Wasn't her name Christina? *lol*) I'm still not sure what her daughter's name was...and I actually heard her name said.

Zach could point out places that he had been when he was in Boston last spring.
From Wikipedia: At the movie's premiere, Affleck made a similar statement: "Charlestown isn’t full of bank robbers and Dorchester isn’t full of bad guys and Southie isn’t full of math geniuses or bad people."
Well, thank goodness for that, Ben.
That means I can go someday. ; )