Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

November 20, 2010

We went to see HP7 FINALLY!
Oh, it was definitely the best one so far!!
I could go on and on about the scenes I liked, the ones that made me happy, when I cried, how dark it was, etc.
But all I will say is that I stand by my belief that this book series spends a great deal of time on racial issues--granted, they are presented through the guise of the wizarding world and its races--and thus on an individual's rights and what is right and wrong regarding how each one is treated.

Obviously there are many more themes in this series that could be treated equally, but this is the one that I am most interested in and the one that, in my opinion, transfers well to day-to-day life for everyone. Some individual or group is always grappling for power and claiming superiority over the rest.

This picture was taken after we saw it. We took some at home before we left (see below), but I wanted to get a shot of me wearing glasses, too. Much more Potter-esque. I didn't bother with a lightning bolt scar since I have bangs. Don't we look happy in our Gryffindor scarves??

R.I.P. Dobby the Free Elf