Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"All you soul-searching people, c'mon..."

[photo courtesy]

July 13, 2010
These guys were AWESOME last night! They're so much fun!!!

This is still my favorite album of theirs... :)

"We are two Indians in the same canoe.

Maybe I’ll just start something new.
We’re taking it all to the end,
And we’re planting our own garden...
We’re taking it all to the end,
We’re planting our own garden,
We’re planting our own garden,
Planting our own garden..."

The night didn't start off great...or end that well for me either. ;) First, I spilled gasoline all over my feet because the idiot before me left the pump locked. Juanita's was PACKED to the gills, and we didn't get a seat until Delta Spirit started, which was close to 10:30. (We arrived at 9 in hopes of missing the first two bands because we were just worn out. *lol*) As we were leaving, I hit the Panic button accidentally-and we couldn't get it to turn off. Luckily one of the Juanita's security guys told us to try sticking it in the door. Why isn't THAT in the manual, Honda?! (P.S. I'm also a terrible driver at night now, and I'm very sensitive about it. No me gusta.)

BUT not only did we see a GREAT band, I had a Tall Boy PBR, which I haven't had in ages, and I enjoyed a couple of mini-reunions with Bryant people. Zach even drank a PBR! I wish Delta Spirit had played longer. :)

"'I'm a wandering soul.
I got no place of my own.
Well I got nothing to give,
Well I got nothing to show for it,
And I'll be wondering all, for all my years,
What I become no one could know.

If you're feeling what I'm feeling, c'mon,
All you soul-searching people, c'mon..."