Wednesday, September 1, 2010



Hobie and Daddy (a.k.a. his Old Man)

Maman cuddling an unhappy Hobie
August 31, 2010

A.K.A. Hobie Washburn the Cat, Hobiekins, Ritty Rat, Pretty Ritty, Fuzzy Face, Fat Boy, Prissy Pants, Petit Prince, Mon Chou
AGE: 5
BREED: Turkish Van
OCCUPATION: Gentleman of Leisure/Emperor of [his] Universe/The Cat's Pajamas
LIKES: himself, naps, foil balls, pipe cleaners, canned tuna, the pink wingback chair in the living room, window sills, getting brushed, treats, black clothes, catnip, crinkly tubes, French, acting like a snob, dressing up, a strong cocktail, Sasha
DISLIKES: Jake, being cuddled, being snuggled, being picked up, being picked on, being ignored, music, technology, lint brushes, Sasha (She thinks he's a snob since he went to college! *gasp*)
HOBBIES: getting famous on Wikipedia, hissing and swiping his paws (specifically at Jake...and sometimes Phoebe), dropping pipe cleaners into his water bowl, caterwauling in the middle of the night, hogging the bed, running across the house, chirruping hello, keeping his white coat clean, watching out the window, chasing the other cats, catting around, talking too much, waking his Maman in the morning by tapping her face and biting her arms, wrestling his Old Man to death, studying for his PhD in Philosophy
(Hobie likes to eat tuna. Your arm is made of tuna. Hobie likes to eat your arm...or, at least, gnaw on it. ; )
HERO: Garfield
QUOTE: "I want some foil, beotches!"

I thought I would just share a bit about one of the furries running around our house. He's our wittle ritty rat! Isn't he too cute? (He knows it, and he knows you know it, too. ; )

Look for the other 5 soon on a facebook near you!
(I know I am now a crazy cat person, thankyouverymuch.)

He did not want to leave Aunt Monica!

Sasha and Hobie are complete opposites, but ya know what they say about opposites...

As soon as we got the pipe cleaners out of the shopping bag, he knew what they were!

our little gymnast

Hobie is top drawer ; )

eating tuna out of a spoon

helping Maman with graduation applications

He loves to play with (er, chew on) Lego, too.

crinkly tube