Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Rivermarket Saturday

April 10, 2010

We spent the day at the Rivermarket with Zach's parents. Even though Zach and I were both struggling with our sinuses, it was a lot of fun:
We had lunch at Flying Fish and wandered down the street. [The Arkansas Literary Festival was going on this week, so I saw some people from UCA.]We checked out the park. It has awesome playground design, but we got nervous watching those kids climb all over it! *lol*We ended with drinks at the Saucer.
Our waitress must have lost one of my beer slips, or they neglected to scan one because my record only shows 49! So I had a fire sale Rolling Rock. It better reflect that now, or grrr...We found Zach some dress shoes for his interview. By this point, I was worn out, especially after my earrings kept getting caught in my scarf. So we decided to head home after stopping by to see my mama...where I finally got some new sunglasses there! [Mine were somehow destroyed in my purse.] I never buy expensive ones because I know that as soon as I do, they will be ruined while my cheap Walmart one's last and last. Zach says I look like a bug again. ; ) After dropping into K-mart and Whole Foods, we came home and sat on the couch all night. : )