Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Trivia Night at da Saucy!

We joined Monica, Whitney, Brian, and the rest of the gang for fire sales and cheese fries.

I know working in restaurants is hard, stressful work and that everyone has bad days, but that still doesn't give a beer goddess the right to ignore her customers, be rude, and/or act as if doing her job is imposing on her time to visit with her friends who also happen to be her customers. You treat your customers equally, so if we are being treated like crap, you better be treating that other table badly, too! I know we had a big group, but we were not demanding or giving her a hard time...and she just threw away a ton of tips.

Sorry to rant but I don't like when anyone fails to do his or her job.

Despite our server's antics AND losing at trivia, we still had a wonderful reunion. We topped off our night on Jeff's rooftop overlooking downtown and the Rivermarket.

WOW-what a view!!