Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day to all the dads, grandpas, uncles, and "other" fathers out there, especially all of my own! Thanks to all of you for what you have done in my life. Even though I miss my Daddy, I know he is celebrating this holiday in a far better place. Sadly I don't have any pictures from the last years of his life.

I tried to call my brother Matt's daddy A.J., who also had a hand in raising me, but I'll have to call back tomorrow. :(This is my father-in-law modeling his present from all of us. 8) We love you! Hope you had a wonderful day!
In other news, I am now afflicted with a rare condition known as Lego-shoulderitis. It occurs from frequent building and requires more frequent massages (which I HATE because they tickle *tehe*).

This is what happens when you love to organize and sort things and agree to help your husband organize his boxes and boxes, buckets and buckets, and tubs and tubs of Lego. I do like stacking all of the similar bricks, but it begins to wear on the body after awhile. Who knew?