Sunday, May 23, 2010

no ocupado

May 22, 2010

Zach rigged up an "Occupied" sign since we didn't have one on our door; Brian translated it into Spanish.

As soon as I woke up, I started packing and cleaning because it was Moving Day. :(
I was sad, not to leave Baridon, but because I HATE, LOATH, and DESPISE moving. I believe this is my fifteenth (15!!!) time to move in seven years.

Zach and I really felt like we had got a lot done and didn't have a lot of stuff. We were wrong on both accounts.

(bookshelf before)
This was the first thing I packed up. My books, once compiled, are probably the biggest thing I own.

bookshelf after

His parents saved us. They are moving pros. Three vehicles and a U-Haul trailer stuffed to the gills, we moved to Hot Springs. We put most of our stuff into storage today, where it will remain until we move again. Le sigh.
our first official home

view from the door of the empty living room

our very small kitchen made bigger by being emptied

no longer where we hang our knickers :)
(That would be a post-colonial poetry pun.)

Thanks, guys, for helping us! We're so lucky to have a place to stay with you guys...moreover, a place that is almost big as our apartment was. *lol* The last thing I moved was the wedding cake we're saving for our first anniversary. As we forget to pack it in the cooler, I placed it in two garbage bags that I filled with what ice was left in our freezer and kept it at my feet on the ride home. :)

wedding cake pre-garbage bags